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  • To be Respectful

  • To be Independent

  • To be Inclusive

  • To be Safe

  • To be Kind

  • Curriculum Statement

    Learning at Arundel Court Primary Academy


    Our curriculum is driven and designed to meet the needs of our unique community. It is passionately felt by all members of staff that the curriculum is delivered through first-hand experiences of the real world and the children understand that there is ‘Life beyond Landport’.

    We aim to provide a curriculum which opens up doorways and opportunities thatour children need to develop the life skills required to become successful and to develop a love of learning.

    At Arundel Court Primary Academy, we broadly follow the National Curriculum; its design ensures the breadth of knowledge is delivered in an awe-inspiring and memorable way.

    Our children are immersed in a curriculum which allows them to explore, discover and dream.


    The curriculum is implemented in a purposeful way and takes into account the individual needs of our children. Through high quality teaching of knowledge, skills and vocabulary across core and foundation subjects, all children are challenged to be creative, resilient, independent and aspirational learners.

    Children are ‘hooked’ into their learning via well planned imaginative and creative experiences. Learning often starts with a ‘hook’ that engages and motivates the children to explore knowledge and new ideas. The outcomes are celebrated through assemblies, presentations and learning journeys.

    To further support and develop the children’s understanding of a ‘Life beyond Landport’ we have adapted the National Trust’s ’50 Things’ and created a personalised Arundel Court programme to allow children to explore and experience the curriculum beyond our community. This can be achieved independently, through our own curriculum or through a wide range of extra-curricular activities which are available to all children.


    Our children will have a set of skills which they can use confidently, knowledge and school values which can be used to get ahead in education and understand there is a ‘Life beyond Landport’. In short, they will learn more, remember more and enjoy more whilst developing morally, socially and emotionally, thus enabling them to continue exploring the world beyond Arundel Court.

    If you would like to know more about our curriculum or what your child is learning with us, please talk to the class teacher.

    Curriculum Overview



    Year R

    Year 1


    Year 2

    Year 3


    Year 4

    Year 5


    Year 6